Its odd how everything has a different meaning .Songs,poems, in everything I look for a way to connect them to Rachel or to my feelings.I hadn't read any books on grief or how to grieve ,until today.I was gifted today with a huge basket full of goodies,so much thought was put into every part of it.A book written by 2 ladies about grief was in the basket.I thumbed through it.I really wanted to try to stay away from things that talk about Heaven or anything like that until I had sorted some things out for myself.I figured if it wasn't in the Bible I didn't need to know it.This book is just about grief.Not so much how I should grieve, but just examples or types of grief and different circumstances. In the book there is a quote from Jonathan Livingston Seagull".I read it a re-read about 10 times.This quote had came to one of the writers in a dream after her brother had died=
"If our friendship depends on space and time, then when we finally overcome space and time, we've destroyed our own brotherhood. But overcome space, and all you have left is Here. Overcome time and all you have left is Now. And in the middle of Here and Now, don't you think that we might see each other once or twice?"
It will take a few readings to get it,or maybe you won't.
After reading that quote,I searched for the book on line to try to understand it.And thats when I found this gem=
"When you come to the edge of all the light you have known, and are about to step out into darkness, Faith is knowing one of two things will happen =There will be something to stand on, or you will be taught to fly."
Which makes me remember the song my niece sang at church
"When I call on Jesus all things are possible.You can mount on wings like eagles and soar."
Some days I do feel like I'm flying.I think that the days I feel so low are the days I am relying on "me" too much for strength.Which reminds me of yet another song
"I'm learning to fly, but I ain't got wings."
(rach took this pic)