Carrying Her Heart

I am dedicating this site to my beloved daughter Rachel whose earthly life ended on Sept. 17,2009.This is just a glimpse of the path I walk through this journey of grief.

Monday, January 24, 2011

These boots were made for walking

As I was preparing to lead my last Bible study class, I was wanting to bring it back ,full circle, from where we had started...with my baggage. I had learned so much, and wanted to really demonstrate what God had helped me to understand. I studied for a while, and then I got in my car and headed to town. As soon as I put my radio on my favorite Christian station, I heard the last part of a verse that Beth had been talking about. It was perfect for what I was wanting to do. The verse was about Saul.In 1 Samuel chapter 10, after Samuel had privately anointed Saul as king,he was to bring him out publicly.Samuel had all the people come forward by tribes.But when it came time for Saul they couldn't find him.This guy, who the Lord had anointed as ruler, who was a head taller than others, and considered handsome..HAD HIDDEN HIMSELF IN THE BAGGAGE. I can't tell you how hard that hit me.(metaphorically). God tells us we can do something, but we are so caught up in what we've done wrong, or what we think makes us unworthy,and we hide in OUR baggage. I told the ladies this story.I told them that I was not going to believe that bag of lies anymore. I was not going to even go back and take our papers out that we had wrote all our "baggage" on. I was just going to throw it all ,suitcase and all, in the dumpster.Garbage...thats what it was. I don't have to carry all of that around, and I don't have to hide behind it."There is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death." I also traded in my cinder block shoes that had been weighing me down.

The first time I saw these boots, I knew I needed to have them. This year for Christmas my parents got them for me. They remind me of every song and verse I know that tells me " He lovingly guardeth my footsteps....each step I take the Savior goes before me..You have made a wide path for my feet to keep them from slipping..and if I start feeling down they remind me to look up..
"My soul is downcast within me; therefore I will remember you"
The funny part is, Rachel was scared of cowboy guys..She was home one day and some men who were working on the road knocked on the door. It startled Rach so she called me. She said " some scary men in cowboy boots and Wranglers are knocking on the door". Of all types of people to be afraid of... it ain't cowboys..this gave me and her uncle a lot of laughs. I think she would give me a pass on the boots. Only because ....I don't wear Wranglers.


  1. Lol one of my favorite memories was her always asking why I like cowboys and she would tell me the storie and we would joke about the cowboy clothes and how cowboys were scary haha gotta love her :) and you too mrs suzette!..
    Ashton Brown

  2. thanks for sharing this Ashton, and thanks for loving my Rach.
