Carrying Her Heart

I am dedicating this site to my beloved daughter Rachel whose earthly life ended on Sept. 17,2009.This is just a glimpse of the path I walk through this journey of grief.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Consider the Lilies

The girls and I went to town the other day shopping for a slip n slide.We went into Michaels because they have a clean bathroom..(always important with a little girl).In the front of the store they had a huge bin of flowers on sale. They had every color of Calla lily that you could want.Calla lilies were Rachels favorite flower.She LOVED them. You know how girls always have a new favorite thing? I can't remember Rach loving anything but Calla's. I used them in all her corsages that I made for her while she was in high school.I stll have them. I used them at graduation. (still have them)...While we were at Michaels, Kennedy was asking about Rachs love for them. She said we need to get some new ones for Rachs garden.She said we needed to get the yellow ones .(Yellow????I said)...yes she said,because that is what color Belle's dress is in Beauty and the Beast(Rachs favorite movie since she was 2).Rachel spent her entire life dreaming of being Belle. She wanted to buy everything she saw with Belle on it. She identified so much with that character,Rachel just never realized how beautiful SHE was ,not just to her family, but to so many others.Kennedy picked out her yellow Calla's and some pink daisy looking flowers, because pink is on some of the Belle things Rach has, too.I have to say....they looked perfect. That night I was on the computer looking up information about Calla lilies. The word Calla is from the greek language and it means BEAUTY..I had no idea. It all connects ...sometimes its overwhelming ..especially at 1:00 in the morning when no one else is around to share in your excitement.
Beautiful Calla lilies, for our Beautiful Rachel.
"Consider how the lilies grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you, not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these."Luke 12:27


  1. Yes, perfect. I've said it before, I truly wish Rachel and Bre could have met. They share so many of the same traits! Belle has always been our favorite, also. Of course, one of Bre's middle names is Belle: Breanna Rae Belle. Belle was my mother's name.
    You and I don't need "them" to tell us Belle means beauty, and I'm glad to learn about the Calla's. My mother loved them, and so does Bre!
