That huge smile stayed on their face the whole day(except when it was time to leave).
They acted like we had never been before. It was an amazing day. The animals were in rare form too. It was so nice to just be able to see them be happy knowing that the next day would have a huge void as we sit down to eat. I had went to the store on Tuesday and bought my favorite flowers...stargazer lilies. I also added some yellow roses to the vase. I bought them early thinking they would open and be perfect for Thanksgiving day. They make the room smell so great too. Well Thursday rolled around and this is what they looked like....
No sweet fragrance filling the room... I just stood there looking at them ..I tried adding some warm water thinking it would help them to open..I realized as I stood there staring at my buds that I just got schooled on Thanksgiving. I can't force a flower to bloom..God knows when the exact time is right for that flower to open. Me screaming BLOOM at it won't make it happen. There are other things in my life that I can't force to change , or force them to go on to the next is all about timing ..God's timing. When I am ready , things will change as they should, not as I force them too. For whatever reason, part of me still needs to stay tight in my own cocooned bulb, and when the time is right.. I can open again. God will do it in his own miraculous way..and in His time.
"But as for me, I trust in You, O LORD, I say, "You are my God." My times are in Your hand."
Friday they began to bloom. They are even more beautiful than I remembered them being. God continues to show me how very much He is in control...and for that I am truly thankful.
I love that Suzie-Q....I needed that reminder too so thank you. All too often we are under the illusion that we are in control of other people & circumstances, & that everything will work out in our favor, if we just do THIS.....& God lets us learn our lesson & try to tread out the path "we" have made..UGH!!! But God is so Sweet & Gracious, that if we are paying attention to the messages He sends, He uses things like His beautiful flowers,(or a friend sharing about them) to Gently remind us of who He is & who we are not. But instead of feeling hurt, we feel great relief sometimes to hand Him the reigns again. He is just sooo Good, His messages are always for our good & protection, even when its painful & doesnt seem to make sense at the time. Thanks for giving me a Spirit boost today (i needed it) I LOVE YOU BIG SISTER!!!! Christel ;)